The author of Liar's Poker and The Big Short, Michael Lewis shares in an interview with Stephen Colbert that commodities are the hedge to take against inflation spectacularly demonstrated in how the cost of the metal to make a nickel is now worth 7 cents. He describes how a hoarding investor has bought $20 million dollars worth of nickels to store away in public storage bins -I picture Scrooge McDuck with a big smile. But there is history being repeated here, in the story of silver in dimes and quarters which soon became worth more than the coins' face value. If you look at a nickel, it does seem way more chunky and heavy than a physical item representing 5 cents should really look. Thus I am totally in with Lewis's prediction nickels, as we know them now, will soon be an item of the past, like the 90% silver half dollar coins of pre-1965 era. As more hoarders remove nickels from circulation I imagine the government will create a more slimmer version.

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